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Ornamental Trees & Investment Timber Trees
Coral Snap™
(hybrid Salix alba “Britzensis”)
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Graduating Yellow Orange Red Late Summer through Winter:
USDA Zones 3-8
This is an exciting, colorful new plant from our trials. The 1-2 year old stems on this fast-grower are a graduating yellow orange red color late summer through winter. It looses
its leaves late fall to fully reveal its colorful branches. Coral Snap™ is hardy and seedless in our trials so far and should grow to 20 feet or more tall with a width of 12 feet or more. Coral Snap™ will grow in almost any soil type except very dry. It will thrive best in a moist site with full sun. In our trials, it has grown 12-14 feet tall in 2 years. It is great for windbreaks due to its dense branching. Plant at a 6 feet spacing for a colorful screen.
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Green Rocket Hybrid Cedar® (Limited Availability)
(Thuja plicata x Standishii)
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Fast-growing, Year-round Screens and Windbreaks:
USDA Zones 5-8
A fast-growing evergreen for year-round screens and windbreaks, the Green Rocket Hybrid® (Thuja Plicata x Standishii) can grow 3 feet or more per year. In fact, on the east coast there have been several instances of 5 feet of growth in a single season on established plants. Green Rocket Hybrid®, one of many of our fast growing screening trees, has a tall, upright pyramidal rocket shape; 6-10 feet w
ide at 25 feet tall. Other great attributes include: - Foliage remains year round - no leaves to clean up
- Center leader stem with horizontal branches shed ice and snow loads well
- Pleasant cedar like aroma
- Well anchored trees with strong root systems
- Tolerates drought and most soil conditions once established
- Grows in full sun to part shade
- Deep lustrous green foliage, with bronzing in winter in open areas
- Soft foliage (similar to an arborvitae) is not prickly like some pines and spruce trees
- Can be trimmed to shorter hedge
- White Tail deer resistant - very little browsing in most areas
- Transplants well in spring, summer, and fall (early fall in protected areas only)
- Costs less than a privacy fence
- Enhances property values while screening unsightly areas
- Available in 4-inch Rapid Start pots (no transplant shock) shipped to your door
Green Rocket Hybrid® planting instructions: - Till or Disc strip of soil 4 feet wide.
- If possible, incorporate peat moss if you have heavy clay soils.
- Plant at 4-6 foot spacing for solid screen in just a couple years.
- Use fertilizer tablets or time release fertilizer, at least a few inches away - none in direct contact with roots.
- Do not plant in wet swampy soils or dense shade.
- Protect plants the first winter where they are subject to extreme wind conditions in wide open areas. This may be done by using plastic snow fence and burlap, etc.
- Mulch a minimum of 3 foot circle around each plant and protect from herbicides.
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Rosemary Salix
(Salix elaeagnos “rosmarinifolia”)
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Leaves, Silver Underside; Deep Purple/Brown Stems (winter):
USDA Zones 4-7
The Rosemary Salix has dense growth and fine textured leaves similar to the herb Rosemary. Stems turn a deep purple/brown in winter. Provides excellent screening spring through late fall. Leaves are silver on the underside and hang on very
late into the fall. This shrub has grown to 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide in 3 years in our trials and is seedless. Thrives in moist and wet sites but is moderately drought tolerant. Great year round windbreak under power lines due to its controlled height and dense branch structure. For best results plant at 6 foot spacing. Plant in Zones 4-7, full sun to partial shade.
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Skyrise™ Hybrid Salix - screen style
(hybrid Salix)
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Privacy Screens, Windbreaks, Shade, Erosion Control, General Landscaping, etc.:
USDA Zones 3-8
Skyrise™ Hybrid Salix trees are sterile male hybrid clones that are hardy and disease resistant. The original trees were discovered in Illinois in 1991, and they can grow 5 ft. or more per year. They can be used for privacy screens, windbreaks, shade, dust barriers, soil conservation, erosion control and general landscaping. - They have proven hardy to -30 °F. Skyrise™ trees grow well on a wide range of soils, including very wet locations.
- They do not spread by seed or root suckers and have an estimated life span of over 40 years.
- Skyrise™ Hybrid Salix are propagated from hardy stock and grown at our nursery site in northern Indiana.
The Secret to Incredible Growth: Proper site preparation is the key. Deep ripping or tilling of the site is required, as well as weed and grass control. Mulching and supplemental watering the first year will also enhance growth. Skyrise™ Hybrid Salix must be planted in full sun for growth of 5-6 ft. per year or more. The Facts: - November through May are the best months to plant (provided the soil is not frozen) the bareroot forms of Skyrise™ trees. Although we do plant well into the summer, regular watering is critical for good growth. Potted plants can be planted any time of the year.
- Skyrise™ do lose their leaves in the winter. However, they make an excellent year-round windbreak due to their dense branch structure.
- Plant Skyrise™ trees 5-8 ft. apart in a single row or 6-10 ft. apart in a double staggered row for a thick windbreak or screen.
- Skyrise™ Hybrid Salix are sensitive to herbicides, so protect them from lawn care and crop herbicides.
- Skyrise™ will grow to 50 ft. tall and bush out to 20 ft. wide. 5-7 ft. of growth per year is common the first few years under good conditions. Roots extend 5-10 ft. beyond the drip line of the trees. Shade tree form will grow to 40 ft. wide by 50 ft. tall.
- Skyrise™ trees will perform well in moist to wet swampy conditions. For superior growth, supplemental water may be needed during dry conditions the first one to two years. A deep watering of the root zone is best every 5 to 7 days during dry periods of the growing season.
- Skyrise™ are very easy trees to grow provided you keep roots moist at all times during the planting process.
- Never put fertilizer directly in the planting hole unless you use our slow release planting tablets.
- Keep Skyrise™ trees in a bucket of water during the planting process. If you wish, you may immerse the roots for up to 8 hours before planting. It is extremely important to keep the roots from drying out even for a few minutes before or during planting.
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Featured Special:
When you order online using the shopping cart ($100 minimum order), receive 25 time-release fertilizer tablets FREE OF CHARGE. Qualifying orders placed online may be shipped or picked up at the nursery. (The free fertilizer special applies only to orders placed using the shopping cart; phone in and walk in orders at the nursery do not qualify for it.)