If you prefer to mail your order, click the below images to view, print or download Price Lists and Order Forms. If you call us (1-888-749-0799) please mention, “This is an online order.”
This tablet-form fertilizer continuously releases major (20% nitrogen, 10% phosporous, 5% potassium) and minor nutrients over a 1-2 year period and
will aid in faster growth of the trees. For best results place 4 inches deep, 6 to 10 tablets per tree (3-5 per shrub) in a circle 12 inches from the tree.
White spiral tree/spray guard. Wrap around trunks to prevent sun scald and mouse damage (typically used with ornamental trees, not Investment Timber trees).
Note: 30 and 48 inch Tree Protectors - Miracle Tubes protect trees from spray, wind and animals and should be used on all Genetically Superior Investment Timber Trees. They are not recommended for use with ornamental trees.
When you order online using the shopping cart ($100 minimum order), receive 25 time-release fertilizer tablets FREE OF CHARGE. Qualifying orders placed online may be shipped or picked up at the nursery. (The free fertilizer special applies only to orders placed using the shopping cart; phone in and walk in orders at the nursery do not qualify for it.)