Shipping Charges Shipped via Federal Express (FedEx) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Shipping Charges for Investment Timber Trees Shipped via Federal Express (FedEx) | ||||
We currently do accept online orders to Alaska & Hawaii, but special rates do apply, please call for a shipping price. Shipping regulations to Oregon and Washington state require extra handling fees permits, and only bareroot trees can be shipped to these states. Please call for more information on shipping to these states. Unfortunately we cannot ship live nursery items to the following states: Arizona, California and Nevada, however, we also sell several innovative Planting and Care products which do not have these shipping restrictions.
Orders usually ship within 1-3 days. We strive to ship your trees so they do not sit in a truck over the weekend and have found shipping days of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to be optimal for the shortest transit times. You should call us whenever a shipping date or estimated shipping date is critical.
Customers who order online and prefer to pick up their orders at the Advanced Tree Technology nursery pay no shipping and freight charges. The order online and receive 50 time-release fertilizer tablets FREE OF CHARGE ($100 minimum order) special also applies to pick up orders—but only if you place your order online using the shopping cart. Pick up order customers do pay the 7% Indiana State Sales Tax and are asked to call in advance for pick up.
Our nursery is located in New Haven, Indiana, just 15 minutes from downtown Fort Wayne, Indiana. CLICK HERE (…and scroll down to the bottom of the page) to view Our Nursery Hours and Orchard Hours. See maps below or download a map.
Advanced Tree Technology
12818 Edgerton Road New Haven, IN 46774 |
(Click to enlarge, print or download printer-friendly version of above map.)
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